lowfour La investigación está abierta, lo que hay es un equivalente a una medida cautelar que es detenerlos porque ya tienen suficientes pruebas de uno de los crímenes, pero no significa que esos sean todos.
Pero vamos que esto es suficientemente grave como para que actúes como que no ha pasado nada:
Cinta_de_Carromero The court said it has reasonable grounds to believe Netanyahu and Gallant are responsible for using "starvation as a method of warfare," which it classifies as a war crime.
The pair are also suspected of crimes against humanity as "part of a widespread and systematic attack" on civilians in Gaza, including murder, persecution, and "other inhumane acts."
According to international prosecutors, Netanyahu and Gallant deprived civilians in Gaza of necessary supplies for their survival, including food and medicine, and impeded essential humanitarian aid from entering Gaza.
Those actions, prosecutors claim, "created conditions of life calculated to bring about the destruction of part of the civilian population in Gaza, which resulted in the death of civilians, including children due to malnutrition and dehydration."
Netanyahu and Gallant also may bear "criminal responsibility" for intentionally attacking civilians, according to the court.
La consigna de tus coleguis los marranos y good goys está siendo atacar la legitimidad del tribunal, no en entrar a valorar las acusaciones porque saben que está muy claro que han hecho todo eso y mucho más. Eso por la parte de la propaganda, claro, que por la parte de la presión legal e ilegal, llevan desde el principio amenazando e intentando comprar a todo el que pillan, como contó una de las integrantes del tribunal.