cómo surge tu cámara de eco favorita
esto me parece muy interesante:
We draw on the influential affect-as-information approach, which suggests that affective states provide people with a meaningful source of information about the world around them (Clore et al., 2001) and, in doing so, can at least partially shape attitudes and behavior in the political sphere (Isbell et al., 2006; Rahn, 2000). Although people are often not fully aware of the source of how they feel, these affective states can help individuals discern which aspects of their environment to focus their attention on and distinguish between “positive” and “negative” cues in a quick and intuitive way. By functioning as a judgment-simplifying heuristic device, affective states can guide people’s information processing and decision making (Clore & Huntsinger, 2007). Negative affect, in particular, functions as an indicator that something is wrong and motivates behavior aimed at resolving the negative emotional state. For example, people experiencing negative affect are more likely to seek courses of action that will repair their emotional state and improve the prospects that they may feel better (Schwarz, 1990).
a ver, que esto lo hacen en el teletienda detodalavida
"cansada de estar gorda como una mesa camilla?" pues compra nuestro abdominator plus (o loquesea)
lowfour fijo que nos puede dar una masterclass de todo esto
la movida no es tanto esa, como esta:
in situations in which the decision-making process requires individuals to evaluate and integrate large amounts of information simultaneously or individuals lack the motivation or cognitive resources to engage in in-depth processing, people are particularly likely to use affect as information
o sea, ni cotiza que el subidón de estrés y tristeza y tal, proviene de un incremento desmesurado de la información disponible
como no te da la vida para procesar tanta info, pillas el "dispositivo heurístico simplificador-de-decisiones" y tiras millas
dicho de otro modo, los ruskis no son tan poderosos, sino que la generalización de smart-phones y redes sociales, así como el bombardeo incesante de todo tipo de publicidad y "modas", hace que "desconectemos" de la realidad y nos guiemos por "dispositivos heuristicos afectivos"
toda esa sobre info, agobia y enfurece, y al "simplificar" de esa forma, caes en la cámara de eco fácilmente
y aquí viene el "populismo" al rescate!
First, both the antielitism and Manicheanism inherent to populism stress a negative state of the world and a fundamental desire to overhaul the system (Mudde, 2017). By emphasizing threats to people’s way of life, agency, and political influence (Béland, 2020), populists directly respond to the desire for (often rapid) change that is elicited by the experience of negative affect and the resulting cognitive interpretation that things are headed in the wrong direction. At the same time, populists are able to succeed not only by emphasizing a sense of crisis and threat but also by positioning themselves as a solution that provides hope, optimism, and greater well-being in the future (Curato, 2016; Montiel & Uyheng, 2020). [...]
For example, Hochschild (2018) highlighted hopefulness as a powerful motivator among Donald Trump voters in 2016, who considered his populism as a way to overcome their negative feelings and regain a sense of emotional well-being (see also Reicher & Haslam, 2017).
Second, populist parties and leaders are known to have a distinct political style, which is likely to increase their appeal to individuals experiencing negative affect. In particular, their communication is heavily focused on direct appeals to the people, a rejection of the conventions of politics, as well as an emphasis on threat or crisis (Moffitt, 2016). The distinction between evil elites and a virtuous populace means that the populist outlook is an emotion-laden (Schumacher et al., 2022), confrontational one (Taggart, 2000). Moreover, the emotional nature of populism is largely negative. For example, research by Nai (2021) on the messages of populist politicians across 40 countries shows populists use more negative emotional appeals than mainstream politicians (see also Ernst et al., 2019; Widmann, 2021, for similar work on social media communications of politicians).
por eso nos hablan de "el sanchismo", porque sitúa a sanchez como élite vs pueblo y porque puedes encuadrarlo en "amenaza" para el popla
y sí, es todo "mala baba" en el populismo
lo que dicen los del estudio no es tanto que el populismo "siembra" esa "mala baba", sino que ya estaba ahí de antes
Populist politicians expressing those negative feelings mirror the electorate’s feelings, an alignment that ultimately gives populists legitimacy and helps to attract voters experiencing high levels of negative affect.
o sea, cinta ya era un triste antes de ser ciberputi, no por serlo