va a movilizar a muertos de hambre a este paso, nos lo explica sam:
First of all, Russia's economy is NOT back on its feet. The ruble is back on its feet, yes. But the ruble isn't the economy -- and the ruble is only back on its feet because it's being propped up by massive capital controls and $50.1 billion of reserves spent since the war began.
[50k millonacos solo para mantener el rublo, luego la guerra...]
Second of all, no Western policymaker or serious analyst expected a massive immediate impact on the economy. We knew that they had reserves (even if we could freeze half of them) and that those reserves would last them some time.
[tiran de ahorros, son muchos, pero se agotarán antes o después]
Third of all, the long-term damage is even greater. And it's not just about the lack of investment and the fact that Russian companies will have to work with subpar resources at inflated prices.
[y 3.8 millones de "desplazados" que se están pirando de rusia por el tufillo best-corea que emana del kremlin]
Fourth of all, one thing we're not paying attention to is the degree to which Russia has outsourced its pain -- at least in the short-ish run -- to Belarus and Kazakhstan, its two key trading partners in the Eurasian Economic Union.
[dicho de otro modo, rusia no solo arrastra a sus "aliados" al hoyo, se vale de ellos para seguir a flote mientras les hunde]
And fifth of all -- and this is the part that really bugs me -- these sanctions were never designed to deter Russia. They were designed to punish Russia, but not to deter it.
[no hay una lógica coste-beneficio en la invasión, así que tampoco la hay en las sanciones, por lo que no pueden disuadir de nada... así que palo y tentetieso y luego ya veremos, no podemos ser cómplices de rusia masacrando civiles]