Os acordáis de nuestro amado postmodernista y master de intrigas Vladislav Surkov? El de la Democracia Soverana, AKA el mundo de las ciberputis fundiendo el cerebro de la gente?
Pues este cabroncete tan salao, que se podía haber quedado escribiendo piezas dramáticas, también está detrás de una teoría pseudo-científica vladimir de mierda para justificar el pretérito imperialismo ruso. Básicamente... hay que exportar el desorden interno a otros países en forma de guerra.
MUY INTERESANTE la basura del pavo ese.
Vladislav Surkov has been described as "a founding father of Putinism" and a grey eminence in Kremlin circles. He was in charge of the "Ukraine direction" between 2013-2020, famously arguing that "coercion to fraternal relations by force is the only method that has historically proven its effectiveness in the Ukrainian direction. I do not think that some other will be invented." His hacked emails document his attempts to politically destabilise Ukraine by supporting nationalist politicians (see "Surkov leaks" and "Glazyev tapes").
He is reported to have "fallen from grace" in 2020, due to the ineffectiveness of the Minsk agreements that he championed and which he described as an act that "legitimised the first division of Ukraine." Nevertheless, he remains an integral part of Russia's elite and exemplifies Kremlin's ideology and worldview that he himself helped establish.
In November 2021 he published an article that has gone largely unnoticed. In it, he made a few interesting points regarding Russia's historical role. Surkov argued that for Russia, "constant expansion is [...] the true foundation of our historical existence." Because the Russian political climate is so harsh, the Russian society has never learned to "let off steam" and resolve internal contradictions on its own. The only way for it to diffuse "social entropy" is to export it. Within this framework, Russia's war against Ukraine is "just physics".
Much as the article is cynical rubbish, but parts of it include fascinating references to the Internet, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the dollar as "a unit of measure of financial entropy". Here are some excerpts (machine-translated)
At the beginning of the century, the Russian system of power stopped the avalanche of social chaos and pulled the traumatized country out from under the rubble of "perestroika". We have had twenty years of stability, and there will be more. These years will definitely someday be remembered as a golden age.
But if the second law of thermodynamics is true (and it is true) and entropy cannot decrease and disappear – what happened to the disorder? Where is the chaos now, which seems to be nowhere to be seen?
The state is primarily an instrument for reducing social entropy. Chaos, methodically displaced from reality, goes into the blind spots of social life. [...] The disorder that has gone silent does not pose a direct threat to the established order. The application of extracts of historical memory, stale morality, bureaucratic values and other heavy "social preservatives" in unlimited doses ensures the preservation of the desired stability.
However, it is unwise to ignore the "non-problem". The right words, too frequently repeated, become meaningless, sincerity evaporates from them, and the creed turns into a banal password to gain access to the system of distribution of positions and privileges. And then it is not what people say that becomes significant, but what they keep silent about. The dominant discourse loses its persuasiveness and increasingly needs force. And unspoken thoughts, ideas and doubts fill silence with a mesmerizing meaningfulness. In a sense, silence becomes an alternative ideology. [...] And this too is a symptom of the accumulation of chaos. The ideology of silence is unpleasant because it is unspoken, unstructured, dark and incoherent. If its time comes, it bluntly attacks the existing order of things without formulating clear goals.
[There is] a simple solution to the problem - open the system, "let off steam", and chaos will recede. But this simplicity is deceptive. Liberal experiments on the domestic political bloc are extremely risky. Depressurization of the system, this "social reactor" that is working well today, is fraught with uncontrollable emissions of civil irritation and can lead to irreversible destabilization - see examples from the 80s and 90s. Social entropy is very toxic. It is not recommended to work with it in our home environment. It should be taken somewhere far away. Export it for disposal on foreign soil.
Exporting chaos is nothing new. All empires do it. For centuries, the Russian state, with its harsh and sedentary political interior, has survived solely by relentlessly striving beyond its own borders. It has long ago forgotten, and probably never knew how to survive in other ways. For Russia, constant expansion is not just an idea, but a true foundation of our historical existence.
The largest exporter of instability to the world political market is, however, the United States. It should be noted that the trademark American instability is very profitable and in phenomenal demand. The wild imbalance of its surrealistic budget deficit is compensated for by the irrational emission of the dollar, which has long been not so much money as a unit of financial entropy, a virus of chaos that spreads a pandemic of economic bubbles, imbalances and disproportions all over the planet.
China's restraint masks the gigantic reserves of chaos accumulated by the disciplined nation. If you put your ear to the Great Wall, you can hear them boiling over. When the Middle Kingdom's internal contradictions overflow, it will become the most important exporter of entropy, challenging American leadership. [...] The European Union, which is in a strange quantum state of either still emerging or already disintegrating, may in the future be both a source of chaos and its absorber. The latter seems more likely, thanks to the loose and perfectly inept structure of Eurocratic governance. If this continues, the EU will become a dumping ground for political garbage, where vagrants and spies from all over the planet will heap up the rotten excesses of class and racial animosity.
To what extent should geopolitical differences escalate for the superpowers to work out a new order of coexistence? Historical examples are disappointing: the Munster Agreements, the Congress of Vienna, and the Yalta Conference were possible and successful only after chaos has become hell. Be that as it may, another division of spheres of influence is necessary. And it (sooner or later, formally or informally, secretly or explicitly) is bound to take place. The only question is at what cost. From the point of view of social physics, a Superpower's sphere of influence is a demarcated space for dispersal and utilization of chaos displaced from a stable political system [of the Superpower].
For now, the world is enjoying its multipolarity, the parade of post-Soviet nationalisms and sovereignties. But in the next historical cycle, Russia will get its share in the new world gathering of lands (or rather, spaces). [...] Russia will expand not because it is good, and not because it is bad, but because it is physics.
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I am a physicist by education, and I become physically ill when people try to make their opinions or stupid theories sound like science, by dropping words like "entropy" or trying to apply the second law of thermodynamics to the behavior of entire societies. No, Russia's invasion of Ukraine is not "merely physics".
It reminds me of the fascists trying to use Darwin's theory of evolution to justify why they have to slaughter the people they deem undesirable.