Aqui te pillo aquí te mato con el Drone suicida ukro.
-Are these the positions of fggots? (meaning russians. abbreviated fgt. for the future reference)
-Yea, over there are the fgt treelines
-Holy shit...
-Am I flying correctly?
-Yea yea
-Ok so I'm heading directly ahead then
-Yes....."Starts Reading from text, I assume a recon briefing" - ""You will see tree plantations"".. sure sure.. which one... ok further further
-two inaudible lines, something about the copter being heavy
-Go right go right
-It's this one tho, no?
-GO right go right, it says you will see a crossroad type of plantation
inaudible background comment
-So where, along this plantation?
-Yes yes! See that plantation a bit further?
again something unimportant and muttered, by the lack of reaction of the main guy who speaks, I assume it's someone just being present who is talking to someone in the background. There's the main navigator and the pilot, everyone else is not contributing
-You see that crossroad over there?
-I see I see
-Hit that one. A bit to the left (x2) And its behind that yellow tree.
some background radio chatter, navigating communication
-Down down down down, and do you see the tent now
-There, people people!
-Wow, what an awesome dude (Referring to the pilot)
-Is there sound?
everyone is patiently waiting for the explosion sound to travel to them
-That was fucking awesome, arm the second one!
-Cmon faster, brother, the next one, I'm turning off my comms
-Cmon work work brother
-That was a sure one, it exploded pretty well over there
-Blyaaaaat is that a video?
-Yes, thats a video