elarquitecto lowfour yo es que creo que no va a poder echar a tantos, eh?? se le van a sublevar los estados, incluso los truchos
lowfour Quiere exportar petróleo por todo el mundo, "vamos a ser ricos del mundo" Van a revocar el "Electric Vehicle Mandate" HAHA y MUSK y TESLA? Entiendes algo??
elarquitecto lowfour niputaidea, se ve que el mandato ese es una promesa, ya hará por poner lago para que el tesla se venda como churros o algo así, a saber...
lowfour "Vamos a desactivar la ley que "engineer" race y gender en todos los estratos de la sociedad"
elarquitecto lowfour claro, hombre, igual que usan millas y yardas y galones y nosequépollas, pues que le vayan cambiando los nombres a lo que les pase del orto porque total, son "imperio" o algo así, no?
lowfour "Vamos a recuperar el canal de panama que se lo dimos" NYT: Trump also hails President McKinley, who got the Panama Canal going and fought the Spanish-American war. Trump is making it clear that he wants control of the canal back, and falsely claims that “China is operating the Panama Canal.” He ends by saying “we’re taking it back.”
elarquitecto lowfour LEBENSRAUM así empezó todo en europa hace casi 100 años todo me refiero a campos de exterminio y 40 millones de muertos en la guerra y tal
lowfour Que coño hace el musk riéndose con lo de los coches eléctricos? Se la suda Tesla? O QUE COÑO PASA?
lowfour Trump says he wants to “plant the stars and stripes on the planet Mars.” Elon Musk, sitting by Barron Trump, applauds and smiles.
lowfour Trump in recent days has talked repeatedly about creating an “external revenue source” to collect on new tariffs. It’s an promise that makes a number of congressional Republicans uncomfortable, but that some are pushing to try to use to offset an extension of the 2017 Trump tax cuts, which lawmakers plan to do later this year.
lowfour Elon Musk’s dream has long been to help humans colonize Mars; in fact, it’s what he says was the impetus for building his rocket company SpaceX. He beamed as Trump promised to plant the flag on Mars.
lowfour President Trump reiterated in his inauguration speech that China is operating the Panama Canal. That is false - Panama operates the Panama Canal, though the ownership of ports at either side of the canal by a Hong Kong-based company has raised some security concerns.