Putin cambia la doctrina nuclear al dia siguiente.
The document says:
The Fundamentals of State Policy specify the characteristics of nuclear deterrence and the conditions for Russia's transition to the use of nuclear weapons:
state policy in the field of nuclear deterrence is defensive in nature;
Russia considers nuclear weapons as a means of deterrence, the use of which is an extreme and necessary measure;
deterring a potential adversary from aggression against Russia and its allies is one of the highest state priorities;
Russia can use nuclear weapons in the event of aggression against itself or Belarus, if a critical threat to territorial integrity is created;
the aggression of any state from the military coalition against Russia or its allies is considered as aggression of this coalition as a whole;
aggression against Russia or its allies by a non-nuclear state with the support of a nuclear state is considered a joint attack;
Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of weapons of mass destruction against it or its allies;
Russia exercises nuclear deterrence against a potential adversary: states, blocs, and alliances that view Russia as an adversary.
The document also reveals the essence of nuclear deterrence:
the state policy on nuclear deterrence is aimed at maintaining the potential of nuclear forces at a level sufficient for nuclear deterrence;
the uncertainty for a potential enemy of the scale and place of use of nuclear forces is referred to the principles of nuclear deterrence;
nuclear deterrence is aimed at ensuring that a potential adversary understands the inevitability of retaliation in the event of aggression against Russia;
state policy in the field of nuclear deterrence in a military conflict guarantees the cessation of hostilities on terms acceptable to Russia;
maintaining the constant readiness of the allocated part of the nuclear deterrence forces for use is attributed to the principles of nuclear deterrence of Russia.
Russia is making all necessary efforts to reduce the nuclear threat;
the deployment of missile defense systems in space by the enemy is a danger that nuclear deterrence is carried out to neutralize;
centralization of control of nuclear forces, including those located outside the territory of Russia, is referred to the principles of nuclear deterrence;
nuclear deterrence is ensured by the presence of the Russian Armed Forces of forces and means capable of inflicting unacceptable damage on the enemy with nuclear weapons.