For too long, the global democratic coalition supporting Kyiv has focused on what it should not do in the invasion of Ukraine. Its main aims include not letting Ukraine lose and not letting Russian President Vladimir Putin win—but also not allowing the war to escalate to a point where Russia attacks a NATO country or conducts a nuclear strike. These, however, are less goals than vague intentions, and they reflect the West’s deep confusion about how the conflict should end. More than seven months into the war, the United States and Europe still lack a positive vision for Ukraine’s future.
The West clearly believes that Kyiv’s fight is just, and it wants Ukraine to succeed. But it is not sure yet whether Ukraine is strong enough to retake all its territory. Many Western leaders still believe that the Russian military is too large to be defeated. This thinking has led the members of the pro-Ukrainian coalition to define only their interim strategic military goals. They have not plotted out the political consequences that would come from a complete Russian military collapse.
It is time to start: Ukraine can win big. The country has proved again and again that it is capable of routing Russia. It first did so by preventing Russia from seizing Kyiv, Kharkiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, and the Black Sea coastline. It succeeded again by halting Russia’s concentrated offensive in the Donbas, the eastern Ukrainian region comprising Donetsk and Luhansk Provinces, part of which Russia has occupied since 2014. Most recently, Ukraine retook Kharkiv Province in less than a week, broke through Russia’s defensive lines in the south, and began liberating parts of the east.
en fin, dice que ucrania necesita un apoyo más decidido de occidente (que va llegando, pero alemania aun veta mandar tanques y encima tanques ya retirados y obsoletos)
que lo de los nukes es un poco paja mental, porque solo serviría como excusa para borrar del mapa a rusia
que hay temor en occidente (en algunas cancillerias y tal) a una rusia sin putin (como si con putin nos fuera de fábula, eh?) por la inestabilidad que pudiera haber...
que rusia falla (y miente) en todo, desde la estrategia a la mera selección de objetivos, que ahora son civiles con la intención de que zelensky se rinda ante una presunta presión social o algo así (putin quiere hundir la economía y la vida de ucrania)
pero vamos, que todo esto solo lleva a la caída del putin
Russia’s president has increasingly staked his regime on conquering Ukraine, sacrificing his country’s economic growth and international reputation in the process. Such a broad defeat could well push Russian elites to remove him from power. Indeed, as the mass of Putin’s failures and Ukraine’s achievements grows, Putin’s fall may become inevitable. This scares certain leaders, who worry that a power struggle in Russia will breed dangerous instability. But it’s hard to imagine a Russia more dangerous than the one led by Putin, given all the havoc he has wreaked—in Ukraine and throughout the world. The international community should welcome his departure.
que lo de ceder territorios a cambio de paz es una enorme 💩
The only way to stop the war and to deter future aggression is for the invasion to end with an unequivocal Russian failure.
la contraofensiva no solo ha logrado la retirada rusa, sino que les ha hecho correr (huir en pánico diría yo)
The Russian military continues to make unsound decisions. A critical number of junior Russian officers were killed in the first months of the war, and without them, Russia will find it harder to organize and train its troops.
para ucrania, que ha perdido también muchos oficiales, no es problema, porque puede entrenar tropas fuera, en el seno de la otan y encima tiene reclutas para aburrir y no van obligados
It is true that Russia has more weapons than does Ukraine. Despite months of losses, Moscow still possesses sizable stockpiles of missiles, guns, and ammunition that it can use to attack Ukrainian forces.
esto ya lo hemos comentado, digital vs analógico, pero ucrania sigue necesitando un suministro de munición y capacidad destructiva para mantener la iniciativa
ah, y escudos antimisiles (y proteger estructuras civiles, claro, no solo militares)
y bueno, es que creo que todo lo que queda de artículo también lo hemos comentado ya, pero bueno, esto lo publica el foreign affairs, poca broma
y es un poco tirón de orejas para que espabilemos y tengamos ya en marcha el plan de barrer a putin del kremlin (o sea, un escenario sin putin)