Vídeo BRUTALERRIMO de unos ruskyis a punto de ser vaporizados cuando el polvorín donde están es reventado por misiles ukros.
Translation (was not easy to translate as it's mostly curses, you can talk with curse words in Russian and it makes sense, I needed to substitute with "fuck" a lot. Plus the explosions and they sometimes talk together and don't finish sentences).
Let's get the fuck out of here
Let's get the fuck out of here
Fucking shit exploded
Fuck it, let's get the fuck out
Close the back of the car, for fuck's sake
... shell, fuck it
holy shit
Fucking thing fucking exploded, did you see?
That's fucked up
Was it RS (rocket artillery)? Not RS, it was Tochka-U, for fuck's sake. It was Tochka-U!
(Explosion is heard), shit. Fuck, what do we do for fuck's sake?
Where is Vova?
(explosions continue) blyat!
What should we do?
I don't know.
Shit, we have the shells here, we have to get the fuck out.
Let's all load here (onto the truck)
Don't get the fuck out. You can't fucking understand where it will land.
(unintelligible) ... it's safer than here
no shit!
fucking shit
Where is Volodya? (Vova from before)
Full power, let's get the fuck out of here.
There is a fucking Ural (truck brand) in the fucking way.
The shit fucking exploded, did you see how it flew?
Yes, yes.
Fuck it. Are there any gates, can you look quickly?
No, no, there is no way to pass.
It's a chain reaction (explosions)
Close the car roof opening.
How the fuck do we run away from here?
Is it all closed? Can't we pass?
Holy shit it's fucking exploding, shit!
It's flying!
it's fucking flying there.
fucking dick (interrupts), guys, let's get the fuck out of here. Fucking (car?)
Maybe we just run away? Let's fucking run the fuck out.
What do we do? Fucking fuck.
Let's get the fuck out.
Cyka (bitch)!
They fucking precisely fucked us (with artillery?)
Hide behind the wheels
Blyat', everything is fucking sold (not sure what it's about, maybe complaint about location of the ammo storage being sold)
Fuck, holy shit!
turn off (unintelligible)
(running) go behind the fence
(talking during explosions, hard to tell) it's an (echo? or this?) fucking exploding
(several people talking together). We have to get behind the cars
One, two, three, let's go!
Holy fuck!
Let's go further.
Let's get the fuck out.
We should have fucked off earlier. It's fucking exploding (intense explosions, unintelligible)
fuck, shit! (hell breaks loose)
(running into a house)
is there a basement? (unintelligible)
Let's get the fuck out!
Where do we run? ... fire ...
Is it your house? (I think they saw someone who lives there)
We have to put water on a rug
We don't have water. We don't fucking have anything
There - points at a bucket - there is nothing there
(woman's voice) that shack has a basement
an end to everything
(running to a shack)
Fuck, main thing is we don't get a fire
lie down (?)
we can't fucking get out of there, guys
what the fuck do we do, if we get buried, we wouldn't be able to get the fuck out
what the fuck else do we do?
better then being there
if we are buried, we are fucking done
either we burn alive or we burn (unintelligible)
if the cellar was out of concrete it would be better
maybe I have it
(running out). Let's. ... Zhora (name) (running)
let's get inside
I think, who the fuck knows, let's go further. Let's run
every iron ...
let's go! (driving away in a car)